Friday, February 27, 2009

Day by Day

So it seems as though the events of the past six months are just a blur and thank God for that. Mason's oxygen tubing/tank prompts questions from just about everyone we meet and recanting those events seems surreal. Coming home and leading a "normal" life has made it easier to forget about all those trying times.

We had a wonderful dinner at our home with a couple of good friends this last weekend who just couldn't stop commenting on how good Mason looked. One of them stated she commended me for being so strong in dealing with his constant care. I had to say that we are so fortunate that Mason isn't really much trouble at all. Besides dealing with carting around his oxygen everywhere, making sure he has all his medications wherever we go and the g-tube feeding at night, he is no problem at all. God has blessed us with a happy baby who sleeps the entire night!

The economy has left us with a shortage of construction projects but this can certainly be seen as a blessing as well. By that I mean, I have more time to be with Mason! Attempts at going to the office and trying to deal with paperwork are certainly not on Mason's agenda and since Grandma has been in Deming, Ernie and I have been playing tag team when I really need to get paperwork done. All this makes for some hectic days but we wouldn't trade them for anything.

Twice last week Mason had evidence of central cyanosis-his tongue was extremely blue towards the back. At first I dismissed it due to the fact that I had given him grape juice but we noticed it a second time and were a little alarmed. Of course, this has made us hypervigilant, albeit we are not acting overly concerned. It may sound crazy to some, but we truly have put Mason into the hands of God. We only pray that God will give us the strength to deal with whatever may come our way and continue with our lives with as much normalcy as possible. Our happy family is just chugging along...

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